There isn't really much information about Osuna's past, or his life before his first (known) killing.
There is little to no information about his childhood. There is some information that he was abused by his stepfather as a child, but the severity and duration of the abuse in unknown.
Let's get to what is known, shall we?
On the 13th of November 2011, a motel room cleaner at the El Morocco Motel found the decomposing body of Yvette Pena, a mother of six children ranging in ages from 5 years to 26 years. She had been dead for a number of days before being discovered inside the room.
Osuna denied killing her, but admitted to seeing her at the motel on the day she was discovered, which is contrast to the medical examiner's estimated time of death. The El Morocco Motel is a place that, according to Osuna, people went to to score drugs and prostitutes. Yvette's younger sister in an interview stated that Yvette struggled with drug addiction.
On the 8th of November, Osuna called his ex-wife Joelle Castellano, and told her to watch the news, as there should be a story about a body being found at the motel.
Castellano phoned the police, making a report that he had threatened her as well as confessed to a murder at the motel. While the police did take a report about the threat, did not look into the alleged murder. Of course after the discovery of the body the police were very interested in what she had to say in the matter.
When Pena was found, she was found gagged. There were "stabbing instruments" found sticking from the woman's back and apparent signs of "torture" were noted. (I could not find details on what kind of "torture" methods he employed.)
At the time of the murder, Osuna was 23 years old. In 2017 his trial comes around.
He showed zero remorse for what he had done, mocked Pena's family members that showed up for the trial by smiling and winking and them, at times even, blowing kisses toward them.
He plead guilty to first-degree murder and four other charges, stating that he would never stop killing and torturing people. That he got a thrill and a rush from the activity.
He was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
This, however folks, is not where the story ends. It actually gets a bit more interesting and a bit more gruesome.
In 2021, after spending a some years in prison, housed alone due to how dangerous he is, was given a cellmate. Unfortunately for Louis Romero, this would prove to be a fatal error on the DOC.
As Osuna stated to the judge, he would not stop torturing and killing. And the first opportunity that he had to do so, he took. It is unclear in what order Osuna tortured Romero, but this had to have taken hours.
This gets kind of graphic, so, beware...
Osuna, using a make shift knife, which he had a history of making, sliced open a section of Romero's skin at his rib cage, removed the section of ribs, and removed a part of his lung. He removed fingers, and an ear. He also completely decapitated Romero.
The guards, when they finally found the scene, were shocked at what they'd uncovered.
There is also evidence that the guards were doctoring their rounds paperwork, as both men were marked as alive and well after the time in which Romero was already dead.
The guards at this prison are grossly at fault for this man's murder. Like I said, this had to have taken hours to do. Which means one of two things. Either the guards knew about it and let it happen, or, the guards did not do their checks like they are supposed to be doing. And since their paperwork states that both men were alive when that is obviously not the case, it is more likely that they were derelict in their duties and through their neglect, Louis Romero lost his life.
Upon the discovery of Romero's remains, Osuna was found bathed in blood and wearing the parts of Romero's body that he had removed as a necklace.
Romero had been in the cell with Osuna less than 24 hours prior to his death.
Many people ignore the crimes that go on in prisons, and, by admission, some of them should be ignored.
But this man didn't deserve to be killed like this. Louis Romero's family is suing the prison and its officials for his wrongful death and they have a great claim against them.
In Louis Romero's murder, Osuna was declared incompetent to stand trial, having been diagnosed with Schizophrenia, Boarderline Personality Disorder, and Antisocial Personality Disorder.
He gave himself the name "Man of a Thousand Faces" because of the tattoos on his face that he's constantly adding.
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