Jaxsen opened the front door with a smile. “Hi, Melissa,” he greeted, opening the door wider for her. Melissa waved at her mom, who smiled and waved back before backing from the driveway.
Her blond hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and she was dressed in a white tank top with blue jeans and new, white, high-top Chuck Tailor’s. “Hey, Jaxsen,” she said, entering. “Hi, Basil,” she greeted, reaching up on her tip toes to peck a kiss to his cheek. Basil felt his cheeks heat up.
“Hey, Li,” he answered almost shyly. Jaxsen frowned slightly at the interaction before quickly shaking off the feeling.
“We were about to watch Jurassic Park,” Jaxsen told her, turning toward the couch.
“The first one,” Basil chimed in.
Jaxsen nodded. “Yeah, the first one. ‘Cause it’s the best one.”
Melissa followed them into the living room. “I’ve never seen it.”
Jaxsen’s eyes bulged. “Wow, really?”
“It’s amazing,” Basil said as Jaxsen hit the play button. Melissa smiled, taking a seat to the right of Jaxsen. Half-way through the movie Jaxsen glanced over to Basil and frowned. Basil’s head was slightly lowered, staring unfocused at his fingers. He really wished he could snap Basil from this mood, but had no idea how to fix it. Not thinking he reached out, settling his smaller hand atop Basil’s larger one. Basil glanced at Jaxsen’s hand and then his face. He smiled shyly and locked their fingers together.
Jaxsen shut off the movie as the credits rolled. “That was awesome,” Melissa stated as she stretched. “So what now, boys?” She looked at both of them. Jaxsen twisted, pulling his leg up and partially under him and leaned back against Basil’s shoulder. Basil adjusted his arm, moving it from under Jaxsen’s weight, and draping it over Jaxsen’s shoulder. The adjustment made Jaxsen fall backward slightly, sliding further into Basil’s embrace. He tried keeping the blush from his face as Jaxsen dropped his head into the crook of his side and shoulder. Basil’s hand lay flat against Jaxsen’s ribs, just under the breast bone.
“It’s really a nice day out. What about the park?”
Melissa grinned. “Yeah.”
Jaxsen twisted to look at Basil. “Wanna go?”
No, I don’t. I don’t wanna let you go. Basil thought bitterly. The silent introspection left a bitter taste in his mouth. He visibly swallowed and forced a smile. “Yeah, sounds like fun.”
As they walked to the neighborhood park they chatted about light subjects, being ridiculous, and generally having a good time. Basil found himself beginning to relax, laughing along with his friends. Upon arriving at the park it seemed deserted, quiet. Not that the trio minded any. They laughed and carried on, playfully pushing as they cracked dirty jokes they didn’t fully comprehend. They started climbing the monkey bars to see the world on high, Jaxsen coming up last. He stopped midway listening as faint sounds caught his ear.
“Hey, listen for a minute, guys. You hear that?” Everyone went quiet and listened.
“It sounds like crying,” Melissa said looking over to Jaxsen. Jaxsen nodded and climbed back down, and following the sound found a boy. He was dirty, his shirt torn with bruises forming across his arms and cheek. The boy looked up and scrambled backward, panicked sounds emitting from his throat. Jaxsen smiled and sat down. He looked around for an adult but found none, and found himself thankful that Nizhoni had taught him how to sign.
“Hi,” Jaxsen signed. “My name is Jaxsen. This is Basil and Melissa. We won’t hurt you. Are you okay?”
The boy seemed shocked at Jaxsen’s use of ASL, but nodded and replied, “Some big kids did this. My name is River. We just moved here a couple weeks ago.”
Jaxsen nodded. “Do you want us to take you home so you can clean up?”
The boy, River, nodded and Jaxsen helped him to stand. “How do you know sign language, Jaxsen?” Melissa asked as they headed down the road.
“My mom…um, Ni-Nizhoni…has been teaching me. I’m almost fluent.” River was limping heavily and Jaxsen wrapped his arm around him for extra support. River smiled a thank you and within a few blocks stopped outside of a two story brick house. About half-way up to the door a woman burst through, eyes filled with fire.
“What happened? Who are you?” She signed as she spoke, directing the last question toward the other three children. River began answering before Jaxsen had a chance to.
“Some bigger kids did this and they found me and helped me home. My new friends, Mom.”
She smiled softly at the boy before looking at the strange kids who’d accompanied her son. “My name is Jaxsen, Ma’am. This is Melissa and Basil. I didn’t see anyone else around, but we wanted to make sure he got home okay.”
Her facial expression turned instantly into a smile that doused the fire. “Well, I thank you. Would you like to come in for something to drink and a snack?”
“Yes, Ma’am. Thank you.”
River excused himself and went up to his room to clean up and change. While he did, his mom poured them some lemonade.
“Thank you, boys, and you as well, young lady, for bringing him home. He’s so independent, wanting to explore the world. Which isn’t a bad thing, but a mother worries.” She smiled. “Listen to me, I’m babbling.”
“Mom, I’m home,” someone called from the front door.
“Kitchen, Phoenix,” she responded. Just as River came back into the kitchen to join them, another boy came from the opposite way.
“River!” Phoenix ran to his brother and signed hurriedly for an explanation, which was promptly delivered. Jaxsen studied them. Twins. Identical twins. Phoenix hugged his brother who was still visibly shaken by the experience. They had crimson colored hair and emerald eyes, freckles adorning their cheeks and nose.
Still hugging his brother, Phoenix looked over at the other three. “Thank you for taking him home.”
“Of course.”
“Our pleasure.”
“No problem,” came the simultaneous responses. Phoenix checked on his brother one more time before going over to them.
“I’m Phoenix.” Introductions went around and the twins invited them to play Xbox. They were so wrapped up in the game that they lost track of time.
Sebastian had gotten Jaxsen a cell phone for when he was away from the house the week before. It began to ring. “Hi, Dad. Oh…really? Sorry. Okay, we’re coming. ‘Bye.” He hung up. “We gotta go, guys. Mel, your mom is on the way to pick you up.” They all exchanged numbers before they made their way to Jaxsen’s house.
“So, what did you crazy kids get into today?” Sebastian asked with a grin as they sat down to dinner later that night.
“We meddled in the private affairs of the wealthy man who owns the haunted mansion at the upper end of town and solved the mystery of the rattling chains,” Jaxsen answered Sebastian with a grin. “We made new friends. Brothers that moved here a couple weeks ago. They’re twins.”
Sebastian smiled. “Yeah?”
“Mhm.” Jaxsen forked a mouthful of spaghetti into his mouth.
“The boy we met first, River, he’s deaf. Some kids roughed him up, but Jaxsen calmed him down and signed with him, and then we took him home. That’s where we were when you called. We were killing zombies on Xbox,” Basil told them.
Jaxsen grinned and looked at Nizhoni. “I’m really glad you taught me how to sign, Mamma. It really came in handy today.”
Nizhoni smiled. “The pleasure is all mine, Yanaha.”
Basil opened his eyes groggily and unsure as to what woke him up. He heard a small whimper coming from beside him and Jaxsen’s body twitched as a nightmare gripped him.
“Please, no,” Jaxsen said, his voice breaking in fear. Basil frowned. He didn’t know much about Jaxsen’s past, but even he knew that wasn’t a plea from any normal childhood nightmare. A sob escaped him as he tried to curl up and Basil felt him begin to quiver at whatever visions he saw.
Jaxsen frowned. “Basil? Basil, help me. Don’t let them hurt me.” His cries increased as his fear elevated.
“Jaxsen, I’m right here. They won’t hurt you.”
“Where? I don’t see you. Please, Basil, please. Don’t let them get me.” Basil could see tears begin to fall from his closed eyes.
“Jax, listen to me…reach out your hand and you’ll have me and then I’ll take us away from here. Come on, reach out.”
Slowly Jaxsen reached out his hand and in finding Basil scooted as close as he could to his protection. Basil wrapped his arms around Jaxsen’s small frame, holding him close. Like his mother did for him as a small boy, Basil dragged his fingers through Jaxsen’s hair and began singing softly.
There’s such a sad love
Deep in your eyes a kind of pale jewel
Open and closed within your eyes
I’ll place the sky
Within your eyes
There’s such a fooled heart
Beatin’ so fast
In search of new dreams
A love that will last
Within your heart
I’ll place the moon
Within your heart
As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn’t too much fun at all
But I’ll be there for you
When the world falls down
Falling down
Falling in love
I’ll paint you mornings of gold
I’ll spin you valentine evenings
Though we’re strangers till now
We’re choosing the path
Between the stars
I’ll leave my love
Between the stars…
As Basil sang, gentle and quiet, he pulled Jaxsen a bit closer, who began to relax as the nightmare began to recede. Slowly Basil felt Jaxsen smile in his sleep as the song came to an end. Jaxsen heaved a sleepy sigh and cuddled further into Basil’s side. Basil smiled and with reassurance that his friend was dreaming sweetly, closed his eyes and allowed sleep to claim him once more.
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