Sebastian sat alone in his study staring blankly at his computer screen. The device was not powered up. He heard a noise and looked up and to his right.
“Hi, sweet boy.” He spoke softly, but Jaxsen heard the sad octave in his tone. Jaxsen stood uncertainly in the doorway until Sebastian opened his arms and the boy came running. “Sh, sh, baby, it’s okay. I’ve got you.” He lifted the boy willingly onto his lap and held him close as he sobbed against Sebastian’s shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Daddy, I’m sorry.” Sebastian rubbed his back and gently rocked his chair.
“Sh, baby, it’s okay, Jack.”
“No it’s not.” Jaxsen sat up to look at him, causing Sebastian’s rocking to cease, and his arms to fall to his legs. “It’s not okay. Before you got me no one loved me. They did terrible things there and they hurt me. But I know you’re not like that and to say th-that to you…” Sebastian couldn’t understand the rest through the sobbing.
“Oh, my love,” Sebastian pulled him down and engulfed his son in his arms. “Jaxsen, baby, breathe. Come on, match my breathing.” Sebastian placed Jaxsen’s little hand against his chest and took exaggeratedly deep breaths. “There you go. Breathe, baby. Breathe.”
Jaxsen clung to him, relaxing with the beat of his heart. Sebastian resumed his rocking and played lightly with his blond hair, and gently patted his back. They were quiet for several moments before Sebastian spoke, his voice low and serious, but soft and full of love.
“Now, my love, listen to me. Listen closely. I love you, Jaxsen.” Jaxsen’s breath hitched as tears renewed silently. Sebastian continued, “And what that means is that no matter what’s spoken between us, or what’s done, or whatever might happen; there are no conditions, baby, and you always deserve love. I was upset, Jack, when I had you go to your room. I hadn’t planned on being gone so long, there was just…I had to do something. But no matter how mad I may be, or upset you maybe, I will never stop loving you.”
Jaxsen nodded his acquiesce. “I love you, Daddy. I’m sorry.” Sebastian smiled, tightening his arms slightly.
“I love you, sweet boy. I know, baby. We’re okay, sweet boy….always.”
“Promise?” Sebastian kissed the top of his blond crown and breathed deeply.
“Oh, Jack, my sweet boy…always.” He held the boy a moment longer before pulling back and wiping Jaxsen’s face. “I love you, Jaxsen. No matter what. Jack, I’ll never turn you away. Denying yourself the love and comfort and reassurances you need for any situation isn’t going to solve the problem, okay?”
“Okay, Daddy.” Sebastian smiled and lightly ruffled Jaxsen’s hair and wiped his cheeks one more time.
“Now, go on. Basil’s waiting. Go play.”
Basil occupied his time by losing himself in one of the many books Jaxsen had lined up on the shelves. He had chosen at random and sat down with ‘The Lord of the Flies’. He was half way through the third chapter when Jaxsen came into the room; a shy smile on his face.
“I guess it went well then?” Basil asked, shutting the book and setting it beside him. Jaxsen nodded, his smile spreading to a cheeky grin.
“Yeah.” Jaxsen sat next to Basil on the bed still smiling shyly, favoring his lower lip. “Thank you, Basil. For everything.”
Basil smiled back. “Anytime, Jax. You know where to find me.” Jaxsen’s smile widened.
“Wanna watch a movie or something?” They agreed on a mutual favorite Disney and became those little lost boys flying through the woods with Peter Pan. Around ten p.m. Basil opened his eyes and was confused as to the reason everything was dark. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and glanced to his left where weight and warmth engulfed his arm. He smiled, sliding out from under Jaxsen and getting up to answer the call of nature and to get a glass of water. He met Sebastian as he was going into the kitchen, Sebastian having gone for the same thing.
“Basil,” Sebastian called softly, “listen, I wanted to thank you for today. You’re a great friend to him.”
Basil shrugged slightly and smiled. “He’s my best friend. I have to take care of him.” Basil spoke matter of fact and without hesitation.
Sebastian ruffled his hair, smiling. “You’re a good kid, Basil. I know you’ll grow up to be one hell of a man…when that day comes, I’ll be there to shake your hand, son.”
Basil stood for several moments and blinked away the moisture that suddenly gathered in his eyes long after Sebastian retreated back to his study.
The snow melted and spring appeared fully before any of them knew it. Sebastian and Jaxsen became closer than they had ever been after that night, their bond deepening so distinctly that Jaxsen’s fears and anxieties about his place in this family had essentially vanished. Logically the more adult side of this child’s brain knew there would always be dark days to fight through. But he also knew he wasn’t alone. For most things, anyway. Some things he could never speak of aloud so he locked away those memories, only ever revisited in his nightmares. He and Sebastian, as promised, went and did something fun on the weekends. Sometimes they took Basil and in those moments Jaxsen sat back and allowed his friend to be doted on by a father figure.
He always smiled now as he watched Basil’s face light up when Sebastian taught him something new, or when Sebastian complimented him, or wrapped a fatherly arm around his shoulders. Jaxsen found he held no level of jealousy as he watched each scene play out; knowing how it felt to be fatherless, the pain from that missing piece of your heart; Jaxsen was happy to allow Basil to bask in Sebastian’s light.
Basil became a more prominent figure at Jaxsen’s side since that night he convinced Jaxsen to finally talk things out with Sebastian. Sebastian noticed the protective quality in the way the bigger boy walked beside him, or made sure his friend felt secure. There was more than one occasion Sebastian found himself wondering what exactly had transpired between them that night. He would never ask.
Nizhoni found that she began bonding with Jaxsen in a way that was unique to Sebastian. Over the last few months he’d begun getting more comfortable calling her ‘Mom’. It was now to a point he didn’t hesitate before speaking the name in regard to her, and not the mother taken before his eyes.
She had met Glen and Sara Michaels only a few times, the last time being when Sara was still heavily pregnant with the beautiful boy who would one day bestow her that same title. The closer they became the more excited Jaxsen became about becoming a big brother. He went baby clothes shopping with her, picking out a majority of the onesies. He never asked, but with each trip they took she allowed him to pick out some of his own souvenirs. His eyes always lit up, widening with authentic excitement, as if he never expected for anything to be spent on him. They were shopping for the baby, after all. And he always thanked her with a big hug and an excited demeanor, never assuming this trip he would acquire booty from the spoils.
Sebastian looked up from his preparation of dinner. “What’s up, Jack?”
“Well, I was, um, wondering if maybe over spring break you could take Basil and me to the monster truck show?”
Sebastian chuckled and turned back to stirring the pasta. “Yeah, I don’t see why not. Do you know what day it’s on?”
Jaxsen smiled brightly. “Saturday. It’s an important day.”
“Yeah? What’s so important about it?”
Jaxsen’s smile brightened. “It’s his birthday. I want to make the day special for him.” Sebastian smiled and turned the fire down on his home-made sauce he was going to pour over the pasta. “He’s been sad the last few days. I wanna cheer him up.”
Sebastian frowned. “Why has he been upset?”
“His mom has to work Saturday. And on Sunday she works at her other job. She’s gonna miss the whole weekend with him.” Sebastian nodded. Over the last several months, Basil’s mother had called asking if he would mind keeping the boy for the night, or a couple days while she worked more than she’d ever seemed to in the past. It was something he found disconcerting. Not Basil being at the house, or feeding him, or sometimes washing his laundry. None of that mattered as he’d grown quite fond of the boy in the last several months.
What puzzled him most about Maggie Robinson’s peculiar behavior was it seemed the woman was dismissing the child she supposedly worked so hard for, but lately there were some details missing from the big picture. When lately he’d go pick the boy up, Basil was quieter than normal characteristics had shown in the past.
Sebastian smiled at his son. “Let’s do just that. We can even get him a cake with some candles to make a wish with. His birthday’s Saturday?” he confirmed.
“Mhm. That’s why I wanted to go then. So we could celebrate and hopefully distract him to where he won’t be sad for a while.” Sebastian smiled again, turned off the burner and lifted Jaxsen onto the counter. He was still smaller than average for his age, something that was much to Jaxsen’s chagrin. He’d grown less than half an inch in almost a single year.
“Have I told you lately how proud I am of you?” Jaxsen blushed violet and averted his eyes smiling. “You’re a good person, Jack.” Lightly he ran his fingers through the silk strands. “There’s a lot of people in this world, sweet boy, who wouldn’t have survived the things you’ve survived. Much less be able to still have the compassion you hold. You’ve got such a big heart, Jaxsen. And I’m so proud of the man you’re growing into.”
Jaxsen’s throat closed at the kind words and his eyes stung, but he smiled. “Thanks, Daddy. I love you.”
Jaxsen listened to the line on the other end of the phone ring, hoping Basil would answer. He did.
“Hi, Basil. What are you doing?” He sat down on the couch and lightly swung his feet.
“N-nothing. What’s up, Jax?” Jaxsen frowned slightly, his feet stilling, taken aback by his friend’s hollow voice.
“I was wondering if you wanted to come over this weekend since your mom is working.” Jaxsen’s mind worked furiously for a cause that put that terrible sadness in his friend’s voice. He waited for an answer.
“Is it okay if I come tonight and stay through this weekend?” Jaxsen could hear the desperate plea of ‘please’ even if Basil didn’t articulate it. The pain in his friend’s voice made Jaxsen’s heartache.
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